Sunday, February 7, 2010

Lesson Learned

With all of my children and my husband being sick, I slacked in my duties to take care of myself. Well...lesson learned. I am now sicker than I was 2 weeks ago. Hooray for me. So, for all of you Mom's out there, make sure that you keep up on your health, because you are no dood to your family if you keep getting sick. So sick that you have no energy or desire to do anything. It's not fun.

On a more positive note, today I saw a hockey game on TV. I haven't watched a game yet this season. It was the Penguins V. The Capitals. IT WAS AWESOME! I was rooting for The Capitals. When I turned the game on, they were losing...Penguins 1: Caps 0.  The Caps ended up winning...and I freaked Tim out several times. He was laying on the couch with me enjoying the game and all of the sudden I would start whooping and cheering. LOL It was so funny to watch his reactions.

Superbowl was today. Not really interested. I watched it with my hubby...well, I can't say I watched it. I watched the commercials. LOL

Glad it's Sunday and Nathan goes back to school tomorrow. It will be nice to have a little break for a few hours. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Toofless Wonder! ;)

Nathan just came downstairs and says to me, "Mom! I have another wiggly tooth!" He is so excited. Currently he is missing his two front top teeth and missing one and a half teeth on the bottom front...soon to be 2 and a half. LOL I have no idea how he's gonna eat anything!

I will post a picture tomorrow.

Man they grow up so fast!

Sickie Sickie

Tim and Greg are so sick! They started getting stuffy on Monday night. By Tuesday, Tim was a total wreck. He coughed all day long. Coughed so much that he threw up several times throughout the day.

Today, Wednesday, Greg has taken a turn for the worse as well. Greg is so pitiful when he's really sick. He has absolutely no energy and he just lays around not talking or moving. It's just so so sad. :(

My poor boys are so sick. I hope they get better soon! :(

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Turning A New Page?

Well, as most of you know, we have had a  very difficult with Nathan and his behavior at home, school and on the bus. So far, he has received two bus slips (one more and he gets kicked off for good). He keeps getting in trouble in the classroom for being defiant and argumentative.  He is always fighting with me...most days it's a struggle to get him to do anything.

Last week, on Wednesday his teacher called to let me know that she had one of  THE WORST days with him to date. He was just being a hellraiser all day. We talked for about 15 minutes and as soon as she hung up I just broke down. I had no idea what I was going to do. I was giving up. I decided I couldn't take it anymore.

After thinking about it I decided that it wasn't right for me to give up. He's only 7. The twins are just 3. I cannot give up yet. We have SO MUCH time still to go. But I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing works with this boy. I wanted to utilize the school's counselor, thinking that they could observe him at school and that might give them some insight into his behavior and personality...but they had to cut that position because they have lost funding. GREAT! So I found a psychiatrist in town through our insurance. Called her and got an appointment the very next day.

She met with James and I first, we went through the family tree. Talked about what problems or issues there are in siblings and other relatives, then got into what the reason was for our visit. She had us fill out an assessment form for Nathan and had me give one to his teacher as well. She had her first meeting with Nathan today after school. I think it went really well! She thinks that he could possibly benefit from being put on Strattera. She is going to speak with the pediatrician and get back to me.

Nathan has another appointment next week on Tuesday after school again. I hope she can get this little boy to open up and tell us what his thoughts and feelings are. I just want him to have the best chances in life and to achieve everything he can! I love him so very much, but something has got to change. I don't want him to continue to struggle in school...and I do NOT want his  behavior to rub off on the two younger ones any more than it already has.

I want to be a good Mom. My kids deserve that. They are such good boys, I just can't get them to listen to me. I'm hoping that if I wasn't always struggling with Nathan, I would have more patience to work with all of them to teach them the rights and wrongs of the world.

I just want to be a good Mom.

I love my boys. <3

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sickie Sickie!

We have had a run of a 24-hour stomach bug going through our house. Nathan came home from school on Tuesday and he seemed perfectly fine. We did his homework and he was playing with his brothers. All of the sudden he said, my stomach hurts. Unfortunately, he complains about his stomach hurting quite often, so I didn't really think anything of it. Then all of the sudden, he starts throwing up. I felt so bad for him. I gave him his puke bowl and told him to go lay down in his room and relax. He got sick a few more times...of course all through this he keeps asking me to let him eat! I sent him to bed early...having a feeling that it was going to be a long night for him (and me).
Later that night Tim started crying and he started getting sick too! Poor little boy, he fights it so much and wouldn't let me or James hold him while he was sick. Tim stopped being sick around 1am and finally got to a point that he could go to sleep. He got sick again the next day after eating his lunch. I was very careful with him for the rest of day, only letting him stay by my side in case he got sick again.
Greg showed no signs of getting sick. I was feeling so lucky that only 2 of the boys were affected by the bug. OH I AM SO NAIVE! I had made plans with my Dad yesterday to go to their house this weekend to visit...We were on our way to Walmart to get the oil changed in the Van and to get all of the fluids checked and to buy some Deer Whistles. We get almost to the store and Greg said, My tummy hurts! But he never said anything more about it, so I thought it had passed. Then we pulled into the parking lot and he just let it rip. Stupid me, I made fish for lunch...let me tell you, that is a HORRIBLE smell. Once we got home and got him cleaned up, scrubbed the car seat put the cover in the washer. He got sick one more time after that last night.
I'm not looking foward to a fun day today. I have a feeling that Greg is going to be sick a few more times.

Ahh, illness. Seems we can't get away from them around here.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Game Time!

Santa gave the boys Hungry Hippos and Elefun for Christmas this year. They have been having so very much fun playing. Gregory is always saying that he wants to play Hippos and there is one for Timmy and one for Nathan and one for Me and one for Mommy! We all have Hippos and we can all go chomp chomp chomp and eat all the marbles all up! He is so excited! I love watching their excitement at all of the new things that they get to do.

To experience the world through their eyes must be such an experience. I would love to live a day in their little minds just to see how they think. I love that right now they think that everyone is their friend and a hug and a kiss can make ANYTHING better! I wish that the world could really be like that. I would love for a hug to make the world right again.

Ah, the joy of children.

I Have To Read The Books Again!

James and I are sitting here watching the latest Harry Potter movie and he is so frustrated not being able to remember what the heck happened in this book. He keeps asking me about the chain of events of the books. Now he's upset that he has to read the books over again. Such a hard life. LOL